boys playing
13 x 20, oil on shellacked paper
(c) 2010 sioban lombardi
You are free. You no longer have a mortgage nor any loans to pay. There’s no grass that needs cutting, nor a walk to be shoveled. You no longer have a spouse, partner, and/or family to support. You don’t have aging parents to worry about. There’s no more tuition to pay. You have adequate money. You don’t have to answer to a boss, or a client, or a customer. You don’t have any competitors. Your health is excellent. You can eat what you want, sleep when you want, read what you want, go where you want, see who you want, and do what you want. Whenever you want. What do you want? Please tell me, I’m interested.
Please provide as many answers as you want to the following questions in the comments section. You may answer anonymously.
What would you do?
Where would you go?
How would you get there?
What would you own?