Friday, July 10, 2009

linda logan

Linda Logan is a Chicago-area artist who works in a variety of mediums. With a PhD in Geography, her work is often concerned with vestiges, or what remains from a speculative past that endures today. What do these vestiges mean?

I first became familiar with Linda’s work through her cave painting series. Though certainly informed by those found at Lascaux, these works are concerned with language and symbol, prehistoric and contemporary. The intuitive gestures of the paintings communicate deeper, more profound notions than the surface concerns of present-day society. One might think that her work will also endure for 40,000 years.

Recently, Linda has been working with digital photography. What is interesting and unusual is that she manipulates her photo before taking the picture, not in post. In essence, she is a sort of pre-deconstructionist – or perhaps a pre-constructionist. This technique was utilized in her gridded portrait of Mat illustrated above.

She is currently working on "Pentimento," a series of semi-abstract photographs where images from opposite sides of magazines or newspapers are photographed simultaneously by shooting the pictures through a very bright light. The melding of the images asks questions about the entire act of perceiving a photograph, or if indeed these even are photographs.

Linda is a member of Margin Art Gallery, a not for profit collective art gallery dedicated to nurturing artistic expression. Works from “Pentimento” were exhibited at Margin’s spring 2009 show.

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